A. Scott, an alcoholic monster stuck in the wild west who has been heavily punished for his drunken crimes. He's desperate enough to try anything to get a drink, but as long as he dons his medal, fate will always twist to take it away from him. The trials and tribulations of being extremely pathetic ensue.
Q. Can I do anything to make it come out faster?
A. Not much, but if you leave me a nice message then I will run like a rabid dog around a room for 20 minutes and then make more comic. I'm also saving money from ko-fi donations and commission tips to justify taking days off once in a while to make more comic.
Q. What is Scott wearing?
A. He is wearing a Medal for Drunkenness. It is a real thing that exists in real life that was once used in Russia as a punishement for being excessively drunk.
Similarly, Raoul wears a chain used as a punishment for cheating and gambling. I've modified the design significantly to prevent it from being a tangent-filled mess of chains and objects.
Q. Can I draw your characters?
A. If you personally know me, then ask first. Otherwise, sure. Just don't do anything inappropriate. The main ones have more references here if you need them.
Q. May I make a fan character?
A. It's crazy that I've been asked this multiple times already. You can do whatever you want, you are free. If you're looking to make something that respects canon, though, then feel free to ask me more questions. I'll have an official guide some day.
Q. What program do you use?
A. I don't recommend it.
Q. Are your characters, story, or art inspired by [insert thing]?